r58Playz, ading2210 (vk6#7391)


Extension "uBlock Origin" must be installed to perform this exploit.

Executing scripts with the "uBlock Origin" extension.

Userscript injection was introduced to the extension in 2017.



  1. Navigate to chrome-extension://cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm/dashboard.html#settings.html.
  2. Check the I am an advanced user checkbox.
  3. Click the cog next to the checkbox.
  4. In the Advanced Settings page, replace the value of the userResourcesLocation property from unset to https://pastebin.com/raw/PPZ1T7uh.
  5. Click Apply changes.
  6. In the settings page, switch to the My filters tab by clicking it.
  7. Add *##+js(execute_script.js) to the filters box.
  8. Click Apply changes.

Script Execution


    Follow on a page of your choice.
  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + ~ to open the script execution prompt.
  2. Enter or paste JavaScript code in the prompt.
  3. Click the OK button or press Enter to run the script.