AkaButNice, Bypassi#7037
Named by Ashton Davies & Brandon421-ops

If your organization does not allow you to sign in without a network, you should instead prevent internet access on your network.

Corrupts extensions by interrupting the sync process.


  1. Powerwash.

    Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R on the sign-in screen and confirm, or press Esc + Refresh ↻, then press Power ⏻.

    Press Ctrl+D on the recovery screen

    Press Enter.

  2. Sign in.
  3. Immediately disconnect from your network.
  4. Press Refresh ↻ + Power ⏻ to instant restart.
  5. Sign in as an existing user.
  6. Navigate to chrome://extensions.
  7. Connect to your network.
  8. Wait for the targetted extension to automatically install.
  9. Immediately disconnect from your network and sign out.
  10. Sign in again.
The extension should now be corrupted. You can check at chrome://extensions.